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Friday, January 7, 2011

The Undertaker

     A very young Undertaker

Undertaker playing Basketball

Undertaker Back Row 5th from left in Basketball Team


   Undertaker and Scott Hall

Paul Bearer

Paul Bearer

Paul Bearer

     Undertaker with Sherri Martel

The Skyscrapers with Teddy Long

  The Skyscrapers with Teddy Long

Bobby Heenan and Paul Bearer


Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar


  1. Hi there, nice collection of pictures, I notice you have a piece of my artwork amongst it all. I'm honoured that you are using it..could you tell me where you found it because it is only online in a select few places.

  2. Thanks for the feedback,i got all the pictures from doing alot of searching on the web.Mainly Google,Yahoo and the links would take to many different sites.

    I've been to so many sites that i couldn't tell you exactly which one.

  3. Fair enough,

    I did a quick look myself and somehow it is on a Brazilian website, would love to know how they got ahold of it
